Why Do I Need A Water Pressure Gauge Kit?
Monitoring key engine applications is critical to protecting your vehicle, and a Coolant Pressure Gauge is vital to any driver dedicated to taking care of their engine. While this gauge is useful for any car or truck, it is especially beneficial for vehicles involved in more strenuous activities. If your drive involves anything that puts added stress on your vehicle’s engine, like racing, hauling cargo, or driving extended distances, a Water Pressure Gauge Kit can play an integral role in looking out for your car or truck’s long term health. GlowShift’s Coolant Pressure Gauges read from 0 - 35 PSI.
Why It’s Important To Monitor Coolant Pressure
Be proactive, instead of waiting until there’s an issue with your engine to resolve the problem. This water pressure gauge kit will give you the heads-up you need in the event you have a coolant pressure leak, which can lead to anything from overheating to major damage like a blown head gasket. If you’re putting a lot of strain on your vehicle, this gauge is an easy step towards helping you stay on top of coolant pressure levels. You’ll be alerted to fluctuations before they have a significant impact on your car or truck.