Why Do I Need An HPOP Pressure Gauge?
Bad HPOP can have a serious impact on your Ford Powerstroke’s performance. Signs of trouble include oil loss, a weaker engine, slower startup time and more. If you drive with bad HPOP you could potentially experience an oil leak that ends up leaving you pulled over on the side of the road. By monitoring your Ford truck’s high pressure oil pressure from 0-4000 PSI with a 6.0 or 7.3 HPOP Gauge you’ll be able to diagnose symptoms of high pressure oil pump failure before your Powerstroke is affected by any damage.
Why is Monitoring HPOP Important?
Since the 6.0 Powerstroke and 7.3 Powerstroke use an HEUI (Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injection) system that utilizes high pressure oil to pressurize the fuel inside each injector, the HPOP gauge allows you to monitor this high pressure oil. The HPOP receives oil from the low pressure oil pump in order to drive the injectors, and the computer will then tell the injectors exactly when to fire. These pressure levels can be anywhere within the range of 500 to 3,000 PSI. Having a weak or defective HPOP could starve the injectors of fuel and lead to other fuel system failures.
GlowShift HPOP Gauges for the 6.0 & 7.3 Powerstroke
GlowShift’s 6.0 Powerstroke and 7.3 Powerstroke HPOP Gauges are designed specifically for Ford diesel trucks. HPOP is integral to these engines because the HPOP system receives oil from the low pressure oil pump in order to drive the injectors. Compared to a 6.0 or 7.3 Powerstroke HPOP test gauge, you’re also getting a much more comprehensive monitoring experience with a GlowShift HPOP Pressure Gauge. A 6.0 or 7.3 HPOP test gauge is not meant for long-term monitoring of HPOP pressure. But once installed, GlowShift’s Powerstroke High Pressure Oil Pump Gauge will give you access to consistent monitoring of HPOP levels anytime you’re on the road.
How Do I Install GlowShift High Pressure Oil Pressure Gauges?
Use the Ford Powerstroke’s factory HPOP Sensor or the Injector Control Pressure (ICP) Sensor to install GlowShift’s HPOP Gauge. Route the included HPOP Power and Sensor Harness to the sensor location and make the necessary connections. To make installation even easier, GlowShift’s HPOP Gauge Wiring Harness installs directly to the ICP Sensor without the need to splice into the factory wiring. This harness easily clips into the back of the gauge as well, and once the power connections have been made this 6.0 or 7.3 HPOP gauge will be ready for use. Installation instructions are also provided that will walk you through every step of the process.